Standard Proposal by The Optimism Foundation

Season 7: Milestones and Metrics Council Operating Budget

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The Foundation has proposed establishing an independent Milestones and Metrics Council for Season 7, transitioning the Milestones and Metrics function out of the Grants Council.

The sole Milestones and Metrics Council Operating Budget is proposed by Juanbug_PGov with an operating budget of 170k OP:

Delegates may approve the proposed operating budget, which would elect the author as Council Lead. If delegates do not believe the Milestones and Metrics Council should be created, they should not approve this budget.

This proposal is eligible for Special Voting Cycle #31a:

Voting activity
FOR - 51,372,334
AGAINST - 68,160
Quorum 28,950,511

Threshold 51%


Executed December 22, 2024 at 5:18 PM
Hasn't voted