Standard Proposal by The Optimism Foundation

Season 7: Grants Council Operating Budget

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The Grants Council plays an important role in the Collective and is assumed to persist each Season. The Token House may vote on a Council Operating Budget, thereby electing the proposal author as Council Lead. Delegates are effectively electing the Council Lead that has authored the approved budget.

The sole Grants Council Operating Budget is proposed by Gonna.eth with an operating budget of 400k OP:

If this proposal is approved, this PR will be merged to supersede the previous Charter hosted here.

This proposal is eligible for Special Voting Cycle #31a:

Voting activity
FOR - 52,159,875
AGAINST - 91,429
Quorum 28,950,511

Threshold 51%


Executed December 23, 2024 at 8:10 AM
Hasn't voted